Wedding chapter.
Hi, this is basically out of my style of writing but I feel the need to write. Currently I have no Internet subscription on so this might not be publish right now but am gonna attach a date to this blog so it is known when this blog was written. ( October 31,2015. 1:01am)
So, am in a wedding and it's supposed to feel real good considering the fact that it's been almost a year and some months since I last went to a wedding ceremony. Apparently, it's feeling awkward.
I remember pops telling me I should have put on a native material to suit the event but I dusted that off as fast as it came. Now am at the wedding and am feeling awkwardly different.
Everybody here seems to be on a native clothe and more so a particular attire. It's like they in a uniform and am out of it. Ok, i know being different is buck but sometimes it can be worrying and scary.
I swear down i feel like am not in the right place even though my whole body particle knows am in the right place. Well, it's not like am badly dressed or something, am just outly dressed --- if there's any word like that.
Am on a blue demin jacket and a black jeans to go with a black Jordan snickers, so, like I said am not that badly dressed.
So why do I feel awkward and awkward again? Well I guess its because am just in a English and something like a hiphop attire compare to everyone here in a native and traditional dress.
I guess am just gonna have to consider getting more native attires just in case something like this happens again.
Well... Av gat to go. Will continue writing later about this, probably after the wedding. See ya soon.
Ok, so I wasn't supposed to be back this fast but I gat to put this down. I just saw a friend and guess what he's dressed like me! Finally this awkward feeling is out the window. Now I get it, the peeps here dress the way they dressed because they ain't like me. Wow! It feels so good to see your stereotype when there's barely one. Aiit. Now I really gat to go till the wedding is over.
It all went well. Made an impact in my friends live and gave him few tips to positive success. They were thinking of going negative but thanks to God i could help build and change their minds to positivity.
Ll: “one step at a time, stay different its a cool thing but sometimes times can be scary”
Thanks for reading and peace.
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