Hi there, its really cozy out here and by that i just don't mean the weather as in climate but also the atmosphere as regards to life.
Its like my one month of schooling here again in Delta State and its been going well I'll say but you know that feeling, that one that get you down like you ain't living yet, like there's so much more to do, like you've gat a long way and things to do, ya, that feeling.
Its creeping it's way into my evening and which is why I've decided to write it off. In doing so, i think the first thing I'll use to dust off that feeling is talking about how skool went.
At first, today's school was like it wasn't gonna be fun because twas just me in school when i heard lectures ain't gonna hold till 2pm, this was about 9am then. But as the minutes went by, the new peeps that I've been hanging around with came by one after the other and school began to be fun.
Judic, Ugo and Ify seems to be my new clique in school for this new adventure. We spend most times together during or after lectures. I even shared my browsing data with all of em today till my battery went from 61% till 14%. Ya, i know, the sucked the battery live out through browsing but that's what friends are for, to bug one another.
School went by, i took Neye to go collect her authority to pay slip and then went back to school where i took another two hours class with my clique --- actually, that was our first class for the day---
After class, we went to a mini mart in the school compound where foma (ify) got us lunch. From there we walked down to receive what was our last class and was supposed to be just one hour class buy somehow exceeded an hour.
Its a long story though, i got myself featured in an assignment that belongs to the print media sector of mass communication in my school plus i also got snapped by a girl after school--- twas something like a group selfie--- .
Now am home and writing out that awkward feeling i spoke if earlier using flashback technique to forget about that awkward feeling. I guess it worked because am currently famished and just wanna sleep.
Am outta here and il'l post pictures of my new clique as soon as i get em.
Ll: “new peeps are cool to hang around with if only you give em the chance”
Thanks for reading and peace.
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