Hi there,
Its been a while i last wrote my own blog, most of the time while i was away i just re-blog other people's blog just to keep my blog going and to give ya'll my followers something to feed on. I hope yall is well and doing great. Am so sorry have not been writing as much as i should, I've been pretty busy with school, Art and other stuffs but today am here and I've decided to write about something that I've been seeing for a while in the dance world.

Off late I've been seeing innovations in the art of dancing especially in its materials. One of its materials that has been innovated or better still a new age added dance material is the hover board.

I've seen it in couple of dance video clips online and even on music videos, its a cool and amazing thing i must say. I remember seeing a dance video by I Am Me dance crew making use of an hover board, twas buck and extremely awesome. I've also seen another routine by another dance crew, can't really remember their name currently but twas also impressing and so inspiring. Even dancers in movie like Empire now dances with hover boards.

As remarkable and motivating as this innovation is, i find something off with the use of hover boards in routines, especially when used through out the routine. Lets not forget the basics, dance is mostly feet oriented, as dancers we are to rule the world with our feet and i don't see how possible that is if we keep moving like our legs are chained, because to me dancing or better still moving on an hover board --- can't call that dancing since the feet are not moving freely --- is like we are imprisoned by the board in it. When i see people dancing with hover boards most of the pictures i get is that of slave trade when people aren't allowed to move freely.

As an artiste, i understand art is all about freedom especially dancing. Am not saying that dancing with hover boards ain't cool, remember i credited it above but am just saying its uttering the real essence of freedom in Dance. If you don't get the point, try see a video of people dancing on hover boards, look deeply and you'll understand what am talking about, the freedom in dance is automatically reduced. If you still don't get the point, do a comparison of a dance done on an hover board and the one done with the feet, maybe then you'll get my point or better still try creating this picture in your mind, imagine people dancing on wheel chairs. That's how dancing with hover boards are like to me, you just will not get that free, fast, sequenced, snyc and precise movements you'll get while dancing with your actual feet.

Hover boards are great! But somehow its getting overrated especially in Dance routines. Hover board dancing is cool but feet dancing is cooler and the coolest. With your feet on the floor and doing the moves you are actually dancing and practically on your way to ruling the world with your feet.

This is my opinion on hover board dancing and feet dancing. Like i said dancing with hover boards is cool but dancing on your feet is cooler. You can always drop your opinion as regards what have said plus i stand to be corrected if am making any mistake or misconception in my statement or point of view.

Thanks for reading and peace


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