Another day, another chapter.

Good evening y'all, how did ya'll day go? Mine was just there, normal i'll say. Still i gat some to say, its not really much but am gonna still share it with ya'll.

About two weeks ago i pierced my eyes, I've been wanting to do so for a long time now but wasn't really ready for it like i was two weeks back. Five days back which was on Monday while i was in school, a friend came to sit besides me and she asked me why i pierced my ears and that its not so cool for a dude to go on piercing. I smiled at her, most especially because she said its gonna make me look like a bad boy. ( its an undying perception here in Africa especially in Nigeria that piercings for a dude is a bad thing, its meant for destitute)

Lol. Its funny how ones change can make em become a bad person, according to people's judgments. I won't put it on her though (talking about the blame), i guess she said that because for the two years she knew me i was always calm, wasn't much of a talkative plus i mind my own bizz. So, she seeing me on piercing probably made her thought that i was turning a bad person whereas she never really knew me. She only knew the part of me she saw in school a year back.

This hasn't been coming from just her though, I've been getting rhetorical questions like that of hers from other peeps and like i won't blame her for her thought i still won't blame it on everyone else.

I've always love piercing, at a moderate level off course. Am not going south for those who thinks am getting wide. This has been my true  nature most of my life. I've always wanted to experience new things mostly everything, even pain to an extent. For the fact you see someone doing something that you never thought they could do doesn't mean they going wide. It might simply mean that you never really knew them as much as you thought or probably never really knew them.

That same girl that started changing her view on me after seeing my piercing as i sensed,  was the same girl that asked me to make a drawing of her today at school in plea. Get the point, most people we start to see you as bad immediately you start doing something they don't understand or excepted from you but as soon as they see that you full of potentials and that the things you do or doing new ain't really the base of you they tend to wanna come back asking you for favours in smiles.

You might say am changing or i have already changed, whatever the case may be, am still original, am still me because am living me a 100% .

If y'all wanna go on a different path or on a new path, its cool, as long as you still stay focus on the goal, as long as you stay real and don't change because you wanna impress someone but because you wanna experience something different, new and special.

Ll: “i didn't change, they just never really knew me”

Thanks for reading and peace.


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