Touch down baby!!!

So finally am back from my trip. I would have written to ya'll while I was there but apparently I got stuck in a geographic zone where there was no network reception and so on couldn't publish anything.

My stay in delta state was a cool one I'll say, though it won't have been cool if not for my girlfriend, shout out to her.

School and it's proceedings were stressful and killing as usual. Lots of things happened both good and bad but I won't be able to share em because of time and strength but as time goes on, I'll mention my experiences in delta state.

Twas a long and bumpy journey back to Lagos and all my body aches including my brain. I basically am just writing to ya'll to let ya'll know that am back and we gonna continue having fun as usual.

It's touch down baby because finally I have arrived and its us all the way, well, till I go back to resume school proper.

Av gat to go ya'll, ya'll enjoy the rest of your day and happy Sunday. Peace.


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