Hi there. I know my writing of late has been shabby, i apologize for that and for not writing yesterday too.
It's been a crazy week so far, as ya'll know I came back from delta state on Sunday and yesterday was a busy day for me, today was a more busy one.
I woke early as usual for morning devotion then went to my phone after the devotion by 7:30pm. I was on my phone for a while, updating myself and surfing the net for information --- something I do every morning ---. After I was done with that I went downstairs to trim a ply wood I wanna make a painting on. On my way back my eldest brother called and asked me to help him do some stuff and so I had to quickly change my clothes, brushed my teeth and then set out for the errand.
The errand didn't take much of my time and so I went to get couple of editing softwares for my system.
I came back home after all, delivered a board I bought for a artist friend of mine and even helped him with the art work. He was gonna write out something he wanna paste on a board but writing or fonting isn't his thing and so I did it for him.
After I was done with that I was pretty much exhausted but I had other things to do. For instance I have to install the softwares on my system and also make a background for a drawing I want to make by tomorrow.
After the stencil writing, I went on to installing the softwares on the computer, Some of em ain't working properly and so returning was the next option. Time wasn't by my side because I had to go return the softwares and also wanted to go see Neye then from there go help Momsy in the shop.
Apparently I was able to go return the softwares, also saw neye but wasn't in her house, twas in her church, outside the church and also I went to help Momsy out. Stayed with her for a while though I was extremely tired from the day activities.
We pack, then took a bike home. The first thing I did was to calm my nerves on a cold can of a none alcoholic beer called Sanyor, then took my bath after which i turned on the generator, pluged in my phone and laptop and now am writing to ya'll. Iono if am gonna do the background for the drawing today or if I'll just leave it for tomorrow, feeling sleepy especially after doing dinner.
I'll call it a day ya'll. Good night and sweet dreams.
Ll: “life can be really frustrating when you don't have enough cash with you”
Thanks for reading and peace.
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