Hi there...
Am so sorry I didn't write yesterday, I'd planed to but somehow during the mid day of yesterday I fell sick.

I was alright in the morning, in fact I was completing the drawing of the day before and then from nowhere way out of the blue I got struck by malaria.

My body became extremely hot and I was so cold at the same time plus I could barely carry myself. I was also shaking like a dog that got drenched by a heavy rain fall. Thank God my girlfriend was around to help me out, she practically acted like my mother. Shout out to all the ladies in the world with a mother heart, now am feeling much better.

Yesterday illness still made me remember what I said on Wednesday, about how one minute you are here and the next you're there. Life is really fast and short, if something is gonna happen it takes only a slit second for it to happen.

I was strong and the next minute I was so week. It's like seeing someone now and the next you hear, he's dead. Life is that fast.

Well today went well I'll say. I had lot of rest, had a plan of resting through out today but when it was 12pm I just couldn't resist the urge to draw. So, I brought out the frame background I made, the one I told ya'll was giving me a tough time and made a painting on it.

Guess what am painting on it...
Come on?
It's a painting of me!!! Lol.

I bet none of ya'll would have ever thought it possible. Lol.. I make drawings of other people and yet I haven't made one of myself, Hmm.

Come to think about it, you hardly see an artist make a drawing of himself, I guess we just scared so we don't draw a monster or maybe we just watching it so we don't draw a beauty better us... Lol...

Either way am making a drawing of myself, it's been 9years since I last drew myself, I was in junior secondary school one(JSS 1) then and all I made was a small head shot drawing of myself, but now am making a big one. Not just a big one but a big one with a cool technique and I also plan on adding lights behind the drawing so it looks superb together with some colors. 

I made the painting till 4:30pm before leaving the house to go to the cyber cafe but apparently there server wasn't working and so I decided to go get a game CD for my notebook. Didn't finish the drawing today but hopefully I'll finish it tomorrow. 

On my way home I went to hang out with Neye for about an hour then came back home to rest. I guess I'll be needing a lot of that due to my health status at the moment.

So, that's it for yesterday and today, I'll attach a picture of the finished work from yesterdays drawing along side that of today.

Goodnight ya'll.

Ll : “Two spirit that are unquestionable; God and Art”

Thanks for reading and peace.


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