Finally I got my artwork featured on Art Mania on their BBM Channel.
I have been wanting recognition from Art mania(BBM Channel ) World of Pencils and Art Discover on Instagram but it hasn't really been working but today Art mantia did recognized my work and even posted it!!!.Wow!!! I swear down am feeling real fly with inspirations right now to do more and work twice as hard.
For me this is one down and two more to go, I think I also got a tag from Art Discover on Instagram but I really can't check it because my Instagram has been refusing to open since this morning. I really dunno what's the ish though I get notifications but can't see them, it keeps telling me “unfortunately, Instagram has stopped ” I just hope it hasn't been hacked. Which ever way I'll gat it fixed ASAP.
Today really is a cool day, went far on yesterdays drawing. I just gat some errors to set right then I'll be 90% done till I have the lights fixed at the back of the drawing to make it light up art night.
Nothing really much happened, was just me drawing and had a long time friend come around, he also helped me checked my computer and told me about some stuffs I'll need to set it right.
Neye was also around, followed her to her place after I was done drawing. She told me about a thief who was caught yesterday and was brutally beaten.
I must say we need to stop taking laws into our hands, I mean how do you beat someone brutally for stealing something that ain't even worth a million bucks. I ain't saying stealing is nice am just saying, let's do things the right way. It's really sad how a fellow human like us will brutally harass someone else once he sees the opportunity to. That's really messed up ooo, we tend to transfer the poverty and economic aggression on victims who weren't as strong as ourselves when we should be counselling and helping them. Please let's change our perspective and chose a better way.
Well... That's that for today, gat to go fix my Instagram. Plus this excitement won't let me type properly, I also gat a lady who messaged me on facebook, saying she likes my works. It's not like I don't get encouraged but this current ones really gat me thrilled.
So am outta here. Bye!
Ll: “Hard work pays, aways” a quote from Uprizin when I was making a drawing of Malley and really it's beginning to pay.
Thanks for reading and peace.
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