
It's been a long day so far.
Woke up early for morning devotion though my eyes hurt while at it but I had to say thank you to Jesus Christ for another day.

After the devotion I helped mom in cutting her hair then went to clean days car. There I thought of a new innovation for my chapters.

Instead of writing all about my days activities I'll just pick out the one event with more impact as I may see and write about it. Hopefully its a cool idea but for today I'll give a load down of how today went.

While cleaning Dads car I saw a neighbor, he came downstairs to pee and also to brush his teeth. They've gat two bathroom upstairs with toilet yet he chose downstairs. I reckon it's because he has issues with his elder brother who he's staying with at the moment. I remember there was a time when all the problem he had was a dilemma regarding what mobile phone to use next but now phones seems to be the last of his worries instead a daily bread is now what he seek.

It's really amazing how live can be so capricious putting you on a side you don't wanna be. One minute you want some great and the next you want some lesser. I just pray to God we stay strong in this crazy world of ours and pave ways to greatness and success for ourselves beyond understanding.

Now, back to the activities. After cleaning Dads car I went to give the artist friend of mine some cash to help me get oil paint part of which I'll use for tomorrows painting, afterwards I came up stairs and started making the background for the drawing.

The background messed with me and up till now am still thinking if I should tear it down and start all over again. At a point I left it and went to bed waking up by 12:55am. Then I went back to it and did what I could---I still might tear it down, still not decided yet---.

After I was done with that, i picked up a pen and paper and started making a drawing I still wanna make on a board. I made the model of it so I won't forget what am seeing. While on that a friend came by and we hung together for a while though I still was drawing.

After a while he left and I saw him off, we met Neye halfway ---she's a mutual friend of ours---. We both then saw him off then I followed her to go get some sewing materials.

I left Neye 20mins after for home and on getting home my younger sister told him I had a call from Paul (the artist friend of mine). I knew he was back and so I went to collect the paint then went to check on a dude who was gonna help me with some software but apparently he wasn't around.

So I went back home and continued the model drawing I was doing, i just stopped drawing it at about 10mins ago and now am writing to ya'll.

Am so happy I have my own set of oil paint now. I can finally draw whatever I want and whenever I want it. Strange how I can keep drawing if I have my way after writing to ya'll but I gat to sleep though, my eyes still hurts. 

So it's goodnight for me. I'll put a picture of yesterdays writing so ya'll can see too. I sew it today on a board and was smiling cos it look cool.

Ll : “you never get tired of doing what brings joy to you and lightens your life”

Thanks for reading and peace.


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