Today I'll say was a long day.

Woke up still feeling sleepy because I'd slept late last night, said my morning prayers and then went to clean Dads car. After that I ran an errand for dad then went up stairs to prepare for my outing.

I left the house by 10:45am though my appointment was by 12pm but I had to go do something for mom. After I was done with that I then embarked on my appointment, took me about 35mins to get to where I was going to.

Got there and saw the friend I went to visit though it was for a professional reason. She wants me to make a drawing of her church priest which she's gonna be giving to him for his birthday next month as surprise birthday gift. Hung around there for some hours while we conclude on price and other stuffs then I left.

Got home only to find out that no one was home, at this point I was really famished, didn't take anything in before leaving the house and now am locked out with no key with me. Well, i was lucky enough to have my flip flop outside, i changed my shoe to my flip flop then tiredly walked to Neyes place to relax till my folks came back from where they went to. Bought 'puff puff' on my way there so I'll at least have something in my stomach.

I got there and met her at the hallway sewing, she looked tired also because she has been sewing since 11am according to her and this was 4:57pm. We both ate the 'puff puff' and then I went in to lay down inside. At a point I was beginning to get a hot temperature and headache, guess it was because I was tired. 

After some minutes of rest we had to go deliver a cloth she made and from there we were to also go give a friend of hers some sewing niddles. We to walk for almost an hour to achieve this, at a point our legs were both shaking and like that ain't frustrating enough mom called me saying she's sick and she needs help. So I had to break off with Neye to get to moms shop, i got there and helped her close then we both took a bike back home.

First thing I did when we got home was to take my bath then did dinner, currently am on my bed writing to ya'll.

So, with this little write up ya'll can understand what I meant about my day being a long one. Gat to go now, for ya'll reading you can share with friends if you find it worthwhile.

Ll: “it's all gonna start small like a dream” this is said because of what I feel in my spirit that's heading my way.

Thanks for reading and peace.


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