This is chapter 9 of my chapters and currently am feeling real sleepy but I gat to do what I gat to do.

Woke up early this morning to go clean Popsy's car after which i swept my house, did all my chores real quick so I'll have time to put some images I have on my head down on a piece of paper. After the chores I drew a model of the graffiti am gonna do on the wall of my room soon, also sketched out a drawing of a guy with weed in his mouth.

After I was done with that I went for breakfast then a friend of mine called me to come get my ticket to a Krump dance battle and showoff coming up this month ending August 30th  “HIGHER GROUND”. Hanged out with him a little before coming back home though he came back home with me, took some things then saw him off. This was 2:16pm.

So I got home and did another graffiti sketch of my girlfriend's name and few minutes later my sister and cousin left the house for church leaving me home alone. Was alone for a long time that my thoughts were beginning to go south. It was terrible.

After staying alone for hours I decided to put on the generator by 7:48pm so I can turn on the radio to get some music going at least to keep body and soul together. My sister and mom came back few minutes after that then followed by my cousin after like 20mins. We did dinner then dad came back by 9:45pm. Currently am writing to ya'll while talking to some of my friends online. Gat to go now so I don't  keep em waiting. Bye ya'll.

Ll: “boredom is much worse than poverty "


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