(Yawning) today the 31th of August is one hell of a day. It's funny how I didn't do much except to draw and run few errands and am feeling this tired or am I just lazy? Lol.
Well I woke up today by Gods Grace like I've been doing everyday(am so grateful) and then I went to clean Dads car that I haven't cleaned since Saturday. While I was on that my dad and my younger sister set off to Ibadan in preparations for her post utme.
After I was done washing the car, I did breakfast without brushing my teeth ---Ya, i know its gross but I did it anyway--- so I did it without brushing and then head out to my sketch pad. Started drawing by 9:30am and finished by 12:20pm, was working on an old drawing that I didn't finish and also made a new sketch.
After I was done drawing, I hit the shower then got dressed so I'll go run a personal errand. On my way there I stopped at Neyes and dropped my power bank with her as she had asked for it online before I left my place to ran my errand. After dropping it I then proceed on my quest, got to my destination, did what I went for and dashed out back to Neyes place. Stay there for a while then left for home with the excuse of me wanting to draw --- Ya, i wanted to draw but I got home tired and couldn't anymore ---. So I got home and started watching TV, saw avatar with some other movies and music. Did this for almost all of the evening till I got a call from a friend to come collect my new set of pencils that he bought for me on his way back from Art World(8B and charcoal pencil ). Was happy to receive them and can't wait to explore them.
Went back home after a while, then went out again to go collect my hair clipper from the barber's shop I patronise and currently am writing to ya'll.
Ya, i know it wasn't such a long day but am really tired, guess it was because I slept real late yesterday night and so my energy level is down. Well am gonna try to sleep on time today and that's why am writing this on time, when it 10pm I'll publish.
Ll: “always sleep on time so you'll wake up the next morning in full strength”
Thanks for reading and peace.
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