You might have seen “The Podium", you might have seen“So You Think You Can Buck", you might have seen the “Bboy vs Krump" battle in wsd but believe me when I tell you that you haven't seen anything like what you're about to see this August 30th.

It's gat energy, it's gat vibes and jives, it's gat swag and character, it's gat attitude and murder ---oh yes, i said that---murder and above all it's gat Grace!!!. I don't know about you but I don't think I have ever seen or heard about an event with such attributes this is why I am with gladness inviting ya'll to come be a part of this historical, epical and legendary event that is going down like I said on the30th of this month August2015 at No. 1 Dibor Street Okota Lagos , Zion Event Center. Time:4pm. Tickets: 1000 Naira(Regular) 5000 Naira (VIP) and10,000 Naira (VVIP) There's gonna be Poetry!(spoken words)Rap Battles!! (instrumental/talent hunt) a murderous and gracious battle betweenKrumpers and other Dance genres!!! And THE KRUMP GROUP!!!!

I swear down, this is like OMG! This is HIGHER GROUNDS!!! organized by OFFICIAL_TKG and presented to you by THE KRUMP GROUP, though I'd like to call it the highest ground because believe me, there's no ground this high.

So gear up and put on your shield as you come to witness this legendary event and oh, please remember to bring an handkerchief because you'll need it to either clean off bloods that are spilled or tears that are shared.

For more enquiries and how to get your tickets contact:Theofficialtkg@gmail.com  
+2347056553960       or


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