It all started with me getting up from my bed at 5:30am and going to the sitting room for morning devotion. Then I went back inside to sleep back as usual but later woke up by 8:55am again, went back to the sitting room and did my breakfast after which i did my house chores. I later got on my phone and then posted the article about Chris Brown after which i still spent more time online checking blog and it stats till about 11am. Got tired of using the Internet so I decided to play FIFA 2014 on my phone afterwards, I ran another errand for my dad. Also went to moms shop where she sells footwear and bags. I was surprised I met her there because she had said she'll call me when she arrived at her shop from where she gets her stocks from. She did bought some nice wears, I even tried taking one but she refused giving it to me because I'd already taken three sneakers from her shop. I put em on my leg---only for a couple of minutes though. I helped her do some other things like clean up and the rest then I left to complete Dads errand and the went back home because I was supposed to have friends come over for rehearsal, for the performance this Friday but they didn't show up. So I got home and went back to my phone again till now. Something went through my mind today, i have this friend who stay outside Lagos but somehow got a job here in Lagos whereas I stay in Lagos and I have kinda been searching for a job, something to keep the money coming steady. It got me thinking if I should just forget the art and chase after money full time because almost job you get here are full time. Currently I don't what choice to make, guess I'll just sleep on it. Getting sleepy already fans, goodnight and sweet dreams yall.

Thanks for reading.


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