Woke up early today to help Momsy because she was not feeling too well. I made soup and then cooked beans, while doing that I was doing the dishes. After I was done with that I swept my house and ran couple of errands, I ended all this by 9:50am.

Then I rested from which i slept off, later woke up by 11:36am. Brought out my sketch pad and continued on a two days drawing, did that for a while then I went to the sitting room to watch music videos, was dancing also while doing that.

This is pretty much all I can type, the rest of my day from 1:45pm to now is devastating. I really can't talk about them not because I won't want to but because my heart bleeds when I go back to that time frame. All I can say is it started like a joke and now I see it ending like a tragedy though it's untold(hope am wrong ).

Am sorry ya'll if ya'll were expecting a full run down of today's activities but this is all I can type out. Hopefully tomorrow is a better day. Here's what am gonna do, am just gonna pour out my heart but not on the blog, it's gonna be on another one, it's not a chapter it's more like a heart pouring stanza.

Ll: “no matter how much you prepare to say a goodbye you'll still not be able to say it without a tear(s)”


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