Today I'll say was a great day.

Woke up this morning with the intention of going to church only to put on my data connection and get a message from uprizin saying there's a video shoot  at Maryland for 12pm by Thelma ft Koredo Bello. I was so happy to get that message that I went to church with a more happy heart, even when the pastor was preaching my mind kept wandering off to the location and the moves I'll do in the video shoot. Church was great though, had a healing service.

By 12pm church closed and I quickly went home to pick my bag along side an extra jean just In case the one am wearing gets dirty. I left home and set off for my journey to Maryland.

I'd never been to Maryland before though I do go through it but I have never actually been there and so I was watching every signboard and asking people for directions so I won't miss my way, i even used by google map but none of these went well for me.

First I got to oshodi and then took a bus heading to Maryland. I got to Maryland by 1:23pm and guess what, rain started falling. I quickly ran to take cover but I was already soaked before I could get a cover, as if that was not enough nobody around knows where am going to. I asked everybody I met and they end up telling me they don't know where ‘large house’ is and so I decided to follow the directions given to me by the conductor to the bus I took.  He said to go opposite where he dropped me and then walk up, i did that for a while then asked another persons if I was on the right path but still he has no idea. So I decided to call uprizin for his direction and he asked me to follow the lane of a Catholic Church that I could see and walk down. I did exactly as he has directed---so I thought, little did I know I was going the wrong way and was almost at Anthony bus stop. At this point had already asked like 6 persons that I came acrossed while walking and was out of  airtime to call uprizin. But as God may have it, I asked one dude and he said am on the wrong path and that I should go back to Maryland bus stop and ask again. Along the line uprizin called me and I told what has happened, he said to tell people that am going to where baskets are being made. Luckily for me I asked a man and he was like, “ha! E far ooo!!! Okkkk, you be new person for here? Oya follow me make I carry you go there but you go find me something ooo and so we started another journey back to Maryland after the independent tunnel. Finally after a long walk we got there and I sorted him, funny enough if had continued on the path that I was dropped off I would have gotten there earlier but nevertheless I still did get there, that is how I spent an hour looking for ‘large house’ in Maryland.

I went into the yard, met with uprizin and the crew, after a while we started doing our graffiti though they already started before I arrived. Ya, I know, i was supposed to dance but somehow I ended up painting. It took us like 4hours to finish it up and by then I was really famished.

It went ok I'll say, met Paul Gambit(the music director ), Young John The Wicked Producer and some other nice peeps. It felt so good hanging around people who think like me and share the same passion as I do.

After all and all, i left heading back home with TJ, we didn't stay for the shoot because they haven't started and that was 7:25pm. Plus I don't wanna get home late as I still have little malaria in my body and so I need rest, for a moment during the painting I thought I was gonna faint because I was really week and tired from being drenched by the rain and walking around Maryland for close to an hour. We got to oshodi and I boarded a bus to where I stay, TJ took a bus to where he stays. On my way home I went to check up on Neye, she's still on medication but is doing a lot better now.

Got home, did dinner and then took a shower and now am writing to ya'll.

Ll: “always be prepared” this I said because even if I had been asked to dance I still will because I keep myself on track both in dance and fine art/street art.

Thanks for reading and peace.
Will post more pictures of it tomorrow when I get em for uprizin. Uprizin and TJ at the first picture.


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