Hi there, today was a cool day for me, i got up early to go check out the school I would like to go next to complete my studies. I got dropped off by my dad at the school nearest bus stop and then I worked to the school---its a stone throw from the bus stop. On getting there I met a security man at the entrance and told him why I had come, he couldn't answer my question so he referred to a lady who was at that time on a phone call.
After she was done she attended to me and sadly for me I didn't get the kind of response I'd wanted. My course/discipline of study is not being learnt in that location, its in another location far from home and Popsy made it clear that he ain't gonna pay for my house rent if my school location is not near, he said this because he doesn't have sufficient money.
I started coming back home and as usual I branched Neye's place though she wasn't home but I waited for her. While waiting I was at home with her mom and for the little time I was with I was a bit tensed because I didn't know what I would discuss with her, all I kept on doing was nodding go everything she was saying with a smile on my face. At a time we talked about school ---like seriously, i don't talk about school ever, am one of those people who believe in self development, ain't saying school is wrong just saying I ain't a big fan.
After a while her mom left and then came back and then left again but before she could come back this time Neye was home already. I welcomed her, and then her mom came back again, she had sent Neye an errand through me with I did deliver but Neye hasn't ran it before she came back, knowing her mom was gonna scold her she said to say that I forgot to deliver the message which i did, I took the bullet for her---what are friends for. Lol.
After that scene Neye got something to eat for the both of us, after a while she decided to go run a medical test, she has been cold and weak of late. I followed her and then we went to the market to get some food items, funny how I did the same thing with my girlfriend yesterday. I had an awkward feeling going to the market because I was like the peeps in the market will be like “this guy self ehn, today this girl, tomorrow another one" believe me it's not like that, they just confusing it. Well that was a long story, me, Neye, the market and how we tried to hide ourselves from her dad, let's just forward everything to when I finally got home.
So I got home and nobody was around, was just me and the silence in my bored house.I took off my clothes and switched on the TV just to keep my self busy. While at that something that doesn't happen often happened, I began to eat like I was pregnant. Firstly I ate rice and after that I drank pap then I still went on to warm the fufu and egusi soup I have in the fridge after which i ate half of it. After some hours my sister came back at around 6:15pm, I asked if she was gonna eat the remaining fufu I kept for her and she said no, so as soon as she left I went on to that one, I even still ate cookies ---though it was stolen from Popsy's wardrobe,lol. Believe am as surprise as you are but I guess it's the boredom. By 8:55pm my sister has gotten back from the church,she made dinner and I still ate out of it. Like seriously whats going on!?
After that I spoke with my mom and she was telling me about my rebellious cousin, I wasn't really listening because I was at that time online with a friend of mine who hardly reply my messages but somehow we were flowing, she was my first ever girlfriend in secondary school, my first love. They really are hard to forget no matter what. Well we spoke for a while and then I decided to write my blog before going to bed. Feeling sleepy already so am just gonna run through this again, do some editing then publish.
Ll: “I can eat a whole nation when am bored, you could too.”
Thanks for reading and peace.
Remember am always open to opinions, corrections and contributions regarding my blog.
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