I was tired from the late night arrival from yesterday's griffiti drawing for Jane's video shoot that I slept till 8:25am. I won't have waken up by then if not for a call I got from my girlfriend who called to say Bonjour!. I spoke with her for a while though I had an huge amount of sleep still on my eye lid, whilst on that my mom came around and complained I didn't answer her when she called me earlier in the morning---I was in another, i mean how could i have heard her. After her complaint she asked how yesterday went and I told her about the experience, also showed her clips and pix from yesterday's video shoot which she commented on.
By 9:30am she was ready to and left for her daily work, before she left she had asked me to help her go to the bank and also take her wrist watch to an horologist. I left the house by 11:02am for the errand sent by mom. Got to the bank, got the form I needed to get then went to go get some art equipment, from there I went to her shop to get the wrist watch that I was gonna fix at the horologist place, was doing all I was in haste because I was to go to my friend's place who I told I would be at her place by 12pm.
I got to the horologist place by 12:27pm, gave him the watches and told there fault to him and so he started working on them. Whilst her was doing that, I was watching him then something strike my mind. This is a grown up man with kids and what he does is fix wrist watches, I was like, is this what he feeds him for from? How much does he really make a day---i mean it's not everyday you get to see people fixing their wrist watches---and it's not like his shop is big, you can barely even call it a shop but somehow he's proud of what he does. At the end I think it's love that really counts and not always the pay besides, only love as a driving force can take you to places you imagine but thought were impossible.
After couple of minutes he was done and I continued on my journey to my friends place. I got there few minutes after I left the horologist place and her mom was happy to see me because I'd not been there for close to two weeks due to some circumstances and I too was happy to see her. We hung around for a while me and my friend (her name is Juliet but I call her Neye) before we left for my house where we saw the movie fast and furious together. We also had a Lil treat when my dad came back from work, he got some cookies and walnut that he distributed among us. By 5:15pm she decided to take her leave and I saw her off to a point where I could get a new ‘bob’ to replace the one that got burnt yesterday.
When I got back home from seeing her off I then as usual got to my phone and started surfing the net. Mom came back, did dinner then got dressed again after which she and am younger sister went for a virgin. Currently am writing to ya'll from my room on my bed with just my dad, I and my cousin at home.
In between the day, one of the pictures I posted on got a comment from a friend and she suggested I register for an upcoming dance competition called “Dance With Peter” and ever since then I have been considering it, but am still not sure so am asking ya'll... What do ya'll think? Ya'll think I should go?
Ll: “There's always someone out there who's doing less than you making you better than someone. "
Thanks for reading and peace.
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