I was amazed and inspired when I saw his artworks, they were flawless as far as I was concerned because they tell so much story in an abstract way. I woke up early this morning with lots of sleep still in my eyes because I'd slept late last night. Went to clean my Dads car after morning devotion as always, then I came back up and got on my phone.
That was when I saw Ice Nweke's art works that got me trilled and inspired, I saw them on Instagram in search for a dance new I'll post on my dance page. Was on it till 9:15am when I dropped my phone off then did my house chores afterwards I ate breakfast. Was done with this by say 10:30am and so I decided to draw as I was filled with so much inspiration and energy but guess what? I held the pencil, made my sketches then a gracious sleep came knocking aggressively on the door of my eyes like a bandit. Before I knew it I moved the piece of paper that I was drawing on then wondered off to an island called ‘sleep island’.
At about 1:10pm I was woken up by a knock on my door and by the call of my brother, my very good friend had come to visit. I didn't expect it but somehow I'd imagined it and so it happen. I Haven't seen her since she cut her hair and so I was glad to see that my imagination of her coming over came real, though I didn't express it because I still had sleep on me. Couple of minutes after her arrival the power supply came on and I slot in a DVD disc for her to see. We saw the movie (Blacklist) together for a while though not smoothly because my DVD player is kinda faulty.
The power supply later went off after some hours and so she decided to go sew with my younger sister's machine, another reason why she came around. Whilst doing that the power supply came back on but she no longer saw the movie because this was about 5:43pm and she had to go home to cook. I saw her off then came back and meet my girlfriend online. I was glad seeing her online because off late we haven't spoken much due to her busy schedule. We spoke for a long time about lots of things, I told her about a video shoot I'll be going for tomorrow. Couple of minutes later after my dad came back and then followed by my brother who just got a memory card that was a bit messed up---or so I thought. The rest of the family came back in the next hour and so the good news about my sister making her West Africa Examination Council (WAEC) exams was told to my mom, the rest of us already knew before Momsy did. She was excited and glad, she served us dinner, we ate and now am currently writing to ya'll. I'll have to go now because I need to go prepare myself for the shoot, i haven't even cleaned my footwear yet---lazy me but am out on it right.
Please I'll like ya'll to know that this is not a complete story of today's event as I can't write them all due to my days encompassing nature.
LL: (lesson learnt ) “art is life, for me it's art all the way. When I saw Ice's art works both his dance piece and drawing, I said to myself , if I don't get admission into school to finish up my study this year I'll look for him and plead with him to teach me how to be a better artist /artiste. Never waste your time doing something you don't wanna do, always spend time developing yourself. I believe in making your strength stronger and forget about your weakness because by the time your strength is stronger it will be strong enough to cover the your weakness."
Ice's paintings are down below. I screen grabbed them from his Instagram page. You can follow him on Instagram @ice_builtmyempire .
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