Today I'll say is one hell of a day for me.
It's all started yesterday though, after blogging I spoke to neye and we were talking all good and then I said something that I thought was gonna make her give me a naughty smile but somehow it didn't. Instead it grew into something blizzard and she said she ain't down with one of our fun adventures anymore. I was hurt but still had to let go to make her happy, a bit.
Due to that I really didn't have a good night sleep, woke up this morning with that sad mood, was trying not to on my data connection so I won't see a message from her because I was trying so hard not to beg. I just want her to have what she wanted but somehow I could not, i know just saying ‘Ok’ will destroy our friendship and so I had to open up and told her about how I felt towards her decision and begged her to please change her mind which she later did after my plea. But still I wasn't feeling good, i still was feeling that she answered my plea only because I pleaded but not because she still wants the adventures. All this was happening while I was preparing for church.
Like that was not enough I got a message from my girlfriend on BBM saying she won't be coming over again like planed because I had jokingly insulted last night. At this point I could take no more sh*t, first neye and now my girlfriend, i felt like it was a planed work among them both to spoil my day and so I told her if she doesn't wanna come no problem.
I then got to church looking all beaten up by my emotions and sadness. Didn't sing nor clap nor doing anything pertaining church service while in church. The pastor's sermon did catch my attention though, he spoke about internal battle, something I was currently fighting---my emotions. He used Absalom the son of David as reference to his ministration, David wanted to fight a war against his son but was gentle whereas his son wasn't. His point was the battles you fight within are the strongest and are the most difficult one because you'll have self pity when you shouldn't. He also said there are some things in our lives that we enjoy doing but will only lead us to destruction, for a couple of minutes my mind wondered into those things in my life that I love doing and I know will lead me down a wrong path but somehow I just can't stop doing em, i don't think am strong enough to stop doing em. One thing I know is that nothing last forever and some one day am gonna have to stop but till then, i just hope it ain't too late then.
Church service closed, i went home and after an hour my girlfriend called me to give her description of where she'll come meet me, at first I was loathed but then I told her to come online as I gave her directions. About an hour and thirty minutes she arrived at the location and then again we had a Lil argument but later settled and spend quality time together. We stayed together for an hour and thirty minutes and then I saw her off to the market where she bought some food items before boarding a bus back home.
Upon coming back from seeing my girlfriend I branched neye house, I'd asked her online if she was home and if I can come over of which she said yes and so I branched. I ate and took a soft drink, I was tired and before I knew it I fell asleep though she did before me. Couple of minutes later we woke up, chatted for a while, she told me the number one thing a man have must have in full before she marry him---believe me you will be amazed if I tell you, nah, it's not money.
After the conversation, we said our goodnight and then she saw me off. We still spoke for another 20mins at the place where she stopped and then I back home.
Got home meeting just my younger sister and so I decided am gonna blog though I won't publish till its 9:00pm
Ll: “nothing last forever not even those sad feelings. Not everything you enjoy is right, some of them are wrong and might end up killing you."
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