Am sorry this is coming late, am currently at a hospital with my mom---don't worry it's nothing too serious, shes just receiving treatment for typhoid---so am writing from there.

My day I'll say was a smooth one though it was stressful at first because I had to wake up early to make breakfast after which i washed some clothes of mine. My cousin and sister had returned home by 5am from a vigil they went to and so I had to make breakfast and do some other chores.

After I was done with all the chores I could do I then did breakfast and lay down to rest, was surfing the net while doing that also, before I knew i slept off.

I woke up by 12:15pm when the power supply came on to plug my phone and from there I brought out the picture I went to collect yesterday and started making sketches of it. At first it was going smooth and steady but then it got to a point I got stucked. I just couldn't think straight anymore, though I couldn't think straight even before I started sketching but was thinking I was gonna get in my artistic mood and forget about what was making me loose focus but that didn't work. After trying to see if I could get my act together to finish the sketching to an extent, I got tired, then I  switched on my data connection, got messages from my girlfriend and Neye, and while speaking to them I was able to relax my mind and then I figured out the error I was making and fixed it---though I still wasn't thinking straight.

I left the drawing at that point and went to start watching TV --- Ya, I know ya'll will be like, “you ain't serious” --- Nah I am, i just needed a break.

After seeing couple of comedy soap opera on nickolodion I went off to get a new battery for my sisters phone, she missplaced her battery few weeks back.  On my way back I branched Neyes place to lend her younger my wrist watch which she wanna use tomorrow for their church conference. Stay there for a while with some buck missionaries (Elder Millz and Elder Osakwe), it was fun, there was this positive and exciting energy in the atmosphere. I stayed there till about after 7pm before I left for home.

I got home, plugged in my phone and then did dinner after I pressed my cloth against tomorrow church service. Was seeing Big Time Rush when my elder Bro called me and told me to go help mom home get back from the hospital. I'd asked after her well-being when I came back from my sister and she told me she was gonna sleep over at the hospital because of the drip but guess there was a change in plan.

So currently like I earlier said am at the hospital and am writing from there, I've gat to go, the drip is finished and we heading home now.

Ll: “give it time, it will all settle in”

Thanks for reading and peace.


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