Hi there, today's chapter isn't one of much activities but was worth living.

Few minutes after I published yesterday's chapter I had an argument with a very close friend, she's in fact the only friend I've gat in the area. This argument or rather a misunderstanding was instigated by me and this was because I had doubt her words. I really can't go into details of that because like I said it was yesterday and yesterday for me is closed but somehow this misunderstanding find it way into today and that's the one am gonna talk about.

I woke up as early as 4:26am to plug my phone so it could charge and after that I couldn't sleep. I'd had a dream about this my close friend and I suspect it was because of the misunderstanding of last night. In this dream it also seems like we had a fight and so I was trying to make amends, there were three tables also in the dream and so I decided to by her one as an apology gift ---seriously, I don't know why it was a table, I wish it was a flower or something with more feelings. Anyways, like I was saying I decided to buy her one of the tables, the black one but she was looking at me from another room and asked for the white one, the white transparent one like a glass. I tried persuading to take the black but she still insisted on the white one and so I bought the white one then I woke meeting the power supply has I'd earlier mentioned.

After trying to sleep and seeing that it wasn't working I took my phone, turned it on and then turned on my data connection to see if I'll get any message from her as I left a message before going to bed, one I shouldn't have left but there was none from her. So I turned on the TV and DVD and continued seeing the movie I was seeing yesterday (Blacklist season 3) .

After a couple of hours the light went off and then I turned my data connection on to see if there's gonna be any message from her but still none. Few minutes later the light came back on and then went off again, I repeated the same routine of turning on my data connection and this time I got a message from her. Truth be told I was shocked at what I got, the message I left I'd upset her and she expressed that in her reply with gave me a mixed feeling of both sadness and fear. I was sad because I didn't expect such reply and I was afraid because I knew somehow I'd gotten a bit further from her through my actions of doubt. I told her I was sorry and that upsetting her wasn't my intention, that I only wanted to discuss/gossip with her like we used to. She felt my sadness and also send her apology for her tone in her reply and we settled in the next minute. We also spoke after the settlement for another 30-40minutes before we both went offline, the power supply came on between our conversation and so I continued seeing my move after we were done, also spoke with my girlfriend during our conversation.

Few hours later the power supply went out, I went to brush my teeth then ate my breakfast at around 10am. Was tired after eating because it was beans and it always makes me week and sleepy due to its high level in protein, so I slept off. 

Couple of hours later I was left alone at home, my siblings had gone out and so I got up, I had things to do and time wasn't on my side, this was 2:10pm. I'd promised my elder brother that i would draw his girlfriend but I haven't had the chance to but I did today, it took me like two hours and some minutes, still not done but will be tomorrow. I then left to the sitting room to change the cottons as my mom had instructed before leaving for her job and also swept my sitting room. I thereafter took a break in my sisters room where I saw her sewing machine and decided to learn how to work it, I did try ---though I almost finished a whole trend roll while on it.

Whilst doing so I had a phone call, it was a friend and he had called me regarding a dance job taking place this Friday at ilorin(one if the states from the south in Nigeria.) and so I left the machine I quickly started making plans regarding the choreography. By 7:48pm I was done and went to my local gym---you won't believe what I call a gym but it helps me keep fit though *lol* then I came back and did my upper and lower abs fitness,  while on it mom came back and was complaining of body pains. I quickly hit the shower then rush out to get drugs for her, that's after I was done with dinner and now am currently writing to ya'll.

So far so good that was my day for today, my chapter for the day.

LL(lesson leaent): try not to push too hard your way into another persons live because of fear of losing them because doing that alone can make you lose them.

Thanks for reading and as always comments are allowed for improvement or corrections.


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