Chris Brown Says He’s Tired Of Worshipping The Devil … And God Spoke To Him

This is a little bit staled but I know most people won't have seen this so I decided to bring it out here. By staled I meant it happened July 28, 2015 so ya'll won't think it happened last year.

In a recent Instagram post, the award-winning singer blamed the devil for trying to ruin his life. He also talked about thoughts of suicide and claims he’s heard God speak to him for the very
first time.

Here’s exactly what he wrote:

When u tired of the fucking devil ruining your life and u hear God speak for the first time. No one knows what I deal with on a day to day. The average man wouldn’t hesitate to blow his f**king brains out but that’s the cowards way out… Most won’t understand the genius and beauty in change and learning and the people who have devilish intentions will win in the short term. My soul will always be pure of heart. What’s on the surface always looks like one big party but inside there is a little boy looking for help and guidance. People say “be a man”. Yeah, that’s right but it doesn’t take away any pain you really go through. I just wanna stay out the way
and do music. Most importantly and great father. I don’t have any more patience for anything that will cause me to self destruct!!”

This is really serious but am confused, why do people always feel like suicide is the way out especially peeps from the western world. Truth is suicide doesn't help you out, instead it takes you to another world where torment and all manners of pains are waiting for you because your live wasn't given to you, it was lend over to you so you have no right to take it away. Plus you gat the devil laughing at you when you're done committing such deeds. Thank God ‘brezzy' was strong enough by Gods Grace to resist such urge.

Thanks for reading and do share if you find this informative.


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