I don't know how to define today, had this app on standby for minutes and didn't know what to write. Guess I had same activities as before, woke up, said my prayer but didn't clean Dads car this morning.

After the regular, I started practicing for a art I was gonna draw later in the day, after a while I went online to ease myself. Met Neye and my gf online, we spoke for a while then I had to go out to Neyes place to do her a favour. Got there and did what I had to do, did breakfast there also and we went searching for sewing materials from which i left for home.

Got home really tired because I wore a sweater to her place thinking it was gonna be cold but instead it turned out to me hot and me walking under the sun got me exhausted. First thing I did was to plug my phone and power bank then chill to catch my breath. After some hours I decided to draw just to take my mind of the environment and it happenings, did that till 4:40pm.

When it was 5:00pm I went down to wash Dads car, spent close to an hour doing that but it felt like I spent just 5minutes on it because I had Tekno's news song Duroon reply. That song seems to be my newest obsession, I love the video by Patrick Ellis plus Tekno trying to be a dancer---speaking about dance, the dancer really didn't hit it on this jam but then, it's art and it should be appreciated.

I came back upstairs and then went on my phone to chat, being doing that till now but before now I had a conversation with Neye that made me feel like I have been fooled or pranked---i think am just confused. Twas a crazy one though, made me feel like it's just me in sh*t ,funny how I always get trapped when I try to be me. Can't really go into details of that because it might just changed my mood for the rest of the day and currently I think am doing better than yesterday.

Well that's that for today, am out of here. Feeling sleepy and tired. So goodnight ya'll. 

Ll : “try not to get trapped in your feelings, it kills”

Thanks for reading and peace.


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